Magazine Specification

After doing research into different indie/pop magazines, I decided it would be a good idea to write a list of everything that I wanted to include in my final magazine. I will refer back to this list when I have completed my magazine to make sure that my research is reflected in my magazine.

Front Cover:
Unique Eye-catching Masthead
Badge/sticker with special information/reviews/free products
Text placed around the outside of the magazine to keep main attention on the front cover’s main image

Contents Page:
Masthead at the top of the page
Social Networking inter-action
Page number(s)
Well-laid out to draw attention primarily to the images
Competition section
Reviews section

Double Page Spread:
Page numbers
Columned text
Unique style of displaying imagery
Readable font(s) and good colour contrasts

Posted on November 23, 2011, in Main Print Task Planning, Main Print Task Research and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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