Evaluation Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazines target audience could cover a vast variety of people, but the general demographic is fairly easy to outline. I have produced a mood board below to show the average reader of enTune and what their interests would be.

I realise that simply providing a mood board is not enough to accurately describe who exactly my target audience is, as such I will go into further detail on each of these elements.
The audience for enTune magazine is likely to be young, both male and female unique and different people who enjoy festivals and standing out from everybody else. They are likely to take an interest in fashion and so will buy from the likes of Topshop/Topman, Burton, H&M etc. They are quite likely to still be studying so they will be between the ages of roughly 14-22, so working on their GCSE’s and potentially up to University level. The readers of the magazine are teenagers and are highly likely to be very social and this is why I included social network details in my magazine’s contents page. Readers of the magazine would be interested in a range of indie artists including but not limited to, Ed Sheeran, Artic Monkeys, Mumford & Sons, Noah And The Wale and Radical Face. I priced enTune at £2.50 as my target audience research told me that people would be unwilling to pay much more than £3. I chose £2.50 as it is cheaper than what they would expect to pay, and therefore hopefully seem like a better deal than any other magazine that could be potentially be looking at buying.

Posted on January 23, 2012, in Main Print Task, Main Print Task Evaluation and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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