Author Archives: danielbrownuk

Evaluation Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For this question I have created a PowerPoint presentation which I have uploaded and has been converted to an online format via SlideShare.

Contents Page Version 2

Below is my Contents Page Version 2. I made changes to my Version 1 based on my audience feedback. Some of the feedback I received was things such as; “You have alot of whitespace”. Somebody suggested to me that it would be a good idea to include page numbers on each image so that people could quickly and easily find the page that they are looking for without trying to flick though the whole magazine. I think this would help to make it look alot more professional in general which should help to create a more polished product.



Front Cover Version 2

Below is my Front Cover Version 2. This version is after I have received some feedback from my audience. Some of the feedback left were things such as; “The text box makes it look unprofessional” , “There isn’t enough text on the page”, “The masthead is too dark and is hard to read”, “Nothings stands out on the magazine cover”. To fix these, I have removed the text box and included more text detailing alot more of what the magazine itself includes and have brightened the colours of the text on the page to make it stand out more.


Final Double Page Spread Version 1

Below is my double page spread version 1. So far I think it looks quite good, I like the editing and placement of the images at the top, but I shall get some target audience feedback before calling it a “finished product” as I want to make sure it is as polished as possible and looks as professional as possible.

Final Contents Page Version 1

Here is my final contents page version 1. Again, I will make improvements to this as I receive feedback and post all future updates too. I quite like the font I have used for the “Features”, “Competition” and “Reviews”, I am hoping to receive some good audience feedback for that.


Final Front Cover Version 1

This is my Final Front Cover Version 1. There are some improvements I want to make to this as and when I receive feedback from my target market about the page. I am thinking that possibly the white textbox that the text lies on makes it look a bit unprofessional, but I shall see what my target market think about it before making any changes, as the magazine is being made for them.


Double Page Spread Images

I have decided that when it comes to making my magazine, keeping a pure white colour under the text may make the magazine quite boring. I didn’t want to include just a coloured text box underneath as my target market told me that then can sometimes bore them and not encourage them to read the article itself. As a solution, I have decided to place a slightly transparent image under the article to make it seem less bland and more interesting to the eye. The image below isn’t transparent so that the image can be seen properly.




Double Page Spread Images

I questioned my target market to help me decide on which edited images to use for my final double page spread, using my results as a basis, I have decided on the following images for the double page spread. If I need any more images on the page, I will add those in at a later date.

Contents Page Images

I have chosen to use these 2 images for my contents page images. After conducting some research with my target market, I came to the conclusion that they were the best images to use as everybody I asked bar one said that the images would look great on a contents page and help to create the professional look to the magazine.

Front Cover Image

Here is the image I have decided to use for my front cover, I have edited it and blurred out some of the background to enhance the affect on my subject and her guitar in the middle of the page. I hope this image will help to draw the attention of any potential readers. I had some feedback to help me determine which image I would use. 9 People told me that I should use the image below and another 3 told me I should use another image. Due to the vast majority of people liking the image, I have chosen to use it.