Category Archives: Main Print Task

Final Double Page

This is my final double page spread for the enTune Magazine.

The specification I set for my double page spread is as follows;

Page numbers
Columned text
Unique style of displaying imagery
Readable font(s) and good colour contrasts

Throughout the product of my double page, I have been checking each of these elements I outlined to ensure that I reach the goals I set for myself based upon market research and to guarantee a successful magazine in the chosen genre.

Final Contents Page

This is my final version for my contents page for the enTune magazine.

The majority of the elements I have included on this contents page are based on my specification list that I created nearer the start of the project during my planning.

Contents Page:
Masthead at the top of the page
Social Networking inter-action
Page number(s)
Well-laid out to draw attention primarily to the images
Competition section
Reviews section

I made sure to include every element form this list as the list was based on my magazine research and so including the elements will help greatly to help my magazine fit into the genre.

Final Version Cover

Here is my Final verison of my front cover for the enTune magazine.

I have tried to include many of the conventions from an indie magazine that I discovered from my research into different magazines at the start of the project, as a result, I came up with this specification at the start that I wanted my magazine to include.

Front Cover:
Unique Eye-catching Masthead
Badge/sticker with special information/reviews/free products
Text placed around the outside of the magazine to keep main attention on the front cover’s main image

Evaluation Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For this question, I decided to create a PowerPoint presentation which I have uploaded to SlideShare and which can be seen below.

Double Page Spread Version 2

Evaluation Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the construction of my product, I have used a vast range of different technologies to help me produce my magazine. Below is a list of all the software and hardware that I have used throughout.

Photoshop – To edit all of my images, experiment with typography, create shapes and banners for the magazine. Apply drop shadows to objects before importing into InDesign. I spent a lot of time on Photoshop playing around with different features, and I also used this tutorial to help me learn techniques to add a vintage polaroid effect to my photos.





InDesign – I used InDesign to plan the layout of my magazine as it has very extensive magazine features. I was more comfortable with using Photoshop for my final magazine though, and as such didn’t actually use InDesign for final product.



Photoshop provided me with all the tools I needed to do everything my magazine wanted to have done. This meant I could vastly improve my skills on a single piece of software so that in the future, I can re-use the skills I have learnt. Before this project, I hadn’t ever really used an actual camera before, but now I have learnt an awful lot about them, such as Aspect Ratio, Resolution, Quality, Lenses and more. There were a lot of things in Photoshop I didn’t know you could do such as mask clipping, custom brushes, custom fonts and colour correction of images. I learnt about how the whole Adobe suit was created for designers and as such they can all fit together nicely, especially with the Adobe Bridge package. In the future, I will experiment with using more Adobe products in conjunction with each other.

I found out about a vast range of web-programs that can be very useful in making your media into different formats, here are just a few I have used:


All of these web programs have helped me to display more content in a way that engages the reader more. I learnt that you should not only include text on a website/blog but include a whole range of media formats.

Evaluation Q5

I have created a power-point presentation and have uploaded it in an online format via SlideShare.

Evaluation Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazines target audience could cover a vast variety of people, but the general demographic is fairly easy to outline. I have produced a mood board below to show the average reader of enTune and what their interests would be.

I realise that simply providing a mood board is not enough to accurately describe who exactly my target audience is, as such I will go into further detail on each of these elements.
The audience for enTune magazine is likely to be young, both male and female unique and different people who enjoy festivals and standing out from everybody else. They are likely to take an interest in fashion and so will buy from the likes of Topshop/Topman, Burton, H&M etc. They are quite likely to still be studying so they will be between the ages of roughly 14-22, so working on their GCSE’s and potentially up to University level. The readers of the magazine are teenagers and are highly likely to be very social and this is why I included social network details in my magazine’s contents page. Readers of the magazine would be interested in a range of indie artists including but not limited to, Ed Sheeran, Artic Monkeys, Mumford & Sons, Noah And The Wale and Radical Face. I priced enTune at £2.50 as my target audience research told me that people would be unwilling to pay much more than £3. I chose £2.50 as it is cheaper than what they would expect to pay, and therefore hopefully seem like a better deal than any other magazine that could be potentially be looking at buying.

Evaluation Q3 What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

A Distributor –

For instance, a Distributor of my magazine would purchase the magazines from me and supply them to stores such as WHSmith and Newsagents for them to sell in their shops. They act as the middle-man and hold relationships with vast chains. This makes getting a new magazine onto the highstreet an easier process as you are only required to pitch your magazine to one group of people.

Some Magazine Distributors in the UK are;


Gold Key Media


Frontline & Seymour

A large number of magazines such as NME I could only find information about their Publisher. As result, I have included these information instead of the Distributor, as it’s the Publisher who are likely to have relations with the wholesalers of the magazine.

The company I would pitch my magazine to would be IPC Media, who are owned by Time Inc. which is in turned owned by Time Warner. Time Warner a Media conglomerate and so they would be able to advertise my magazine on a whole multitude of media platforms and be able to do this cheaply and included in my fee for publishing, thus cutting down vastly on my overhead and increasing overall revenue for my magazine company, allowing us to expand. Due to the ownership by Time Warner, the magazine could also easily be distributed via an online method or a website be produced for it to allow subscribing online to receive the magazine via postal order. IPC Media publish NME magazine and with NME being another indie-based magazine, this means that they already have done all the research and extensive experimentation with marketing strategies for indie magazines and could apply them directly to my magazine. My magazine is more of a niche magazine which could be quite appealing to IPC Media as it means my magazine would not be much opposition for NME magazine and could quite easily provide them with extra revenue to complement their larger magazines.


The product could be distributed over the internet, vial postal order, in local shops, potentially via an app on their smartphone, or an email version of the magazine. Customers who have not bought the magazine in a while could be encouraged to by a monthly magazine newsletter that is sent to each email held by the company for customers.

Google. 2009. Define Distributor. [ONLINE] Available at:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cee598fc631c5c56&biw=1280&bih=963. [Accessed 04 February 12]

Wikipedia. 2009. Time Inc.. [ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed 04 February 12].

Wikipedia. 2009. Time Warner. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 February 12].

Wikipedia. 2009. NME. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 February 12].

Evaluation Q2 How Does your media product represent particular social groups?

Indie is the social group I am trying to represent. I feel Ed Sheeran is a perfect modern-day example of a very successful indie artist. I believe his Lego House video helps to show the Indie Artists style and particularly others wishing to follow this style. 



I have thought about Ed Sheeran and his style throughout my magazine, for instance with the acoustic guitar image on the front cover of my magazine. This was inspired by Ed Sheeran’s breakthrough with the charts and his acoustic style. An acoustic guitar is seen frequently throughout the video. Here is an image created using Wordle to show the different ideas around the average Indie magazine reader;