Category Archives: Main Print Task Research

Double Page Spread Draft – Annotated

Here is my Double Page Spread Draft. This it my annotated copy and I have written and included my Draft Article below too.

This is my draft article for my double page spread for my music magazine. It is a Q&A styled interview and I believe that what I have written allows me to play around with the picture(s) that go alongside it and some of the other content of the page.


We caught up with Alex from Dark Devils last weekend after their stunning gig at the Liverpool Arena for an interview with questions from you as our readers. If you wish to submit any questions for our next interview with <artist name here>, please visit


‘After winning this year’s PopStars, what are your plans?’

“Well, we are currently planning our UK tour in 2012 which should be epic! We’ve got some real innovations in technology we plan to use such as the newly invented 3D cube projection for the stage. I’ll say no more for now, but if you want to find out the tour dates and locations, check out”


‘Everybody really loved you out there today, how do you create such an atmosphere for your fans?’

“We just try and engage our fans as much as possible. You know, just getting them singing along, making them feel like a part of the song. It pretty much guarantees that we all have a fantastic time and that every one of them, us included go home wanting more.”


‘How did you come about to be so popular around the world?’

“None of us really really know how it happened, it just kinda did. One day we were just gigging around all the local pubs just doing it as a hobby, making a bit of pocket money, then the next we just woke up and had a record deal, had a single on the charts and suddenly became famous overnight. It was the best moment of my life when we signed the record deal, I couldn’t of asked for anything more!”

Draft Contents – Annotated

Here is my draft copy for my Contents page. I have taken the time and annotated it to see what I could make better in the future in terms of improving my magazine for my final copy.

I will also gather some audience feedback at a later date to adjust this.

Cover Draft – Annotated

This is a draft of my front cover for my music magazine. Once I had decided I was relatively happy with the results, I annotated it to try and analyse what was good about the magazine adn what I could change to make it a better product overall. I will use audience feedback to change my drafts until I am fully satistfied with the final product.


Colour Scheme Experimentation

I realised that there are a vast range of colour schemes that you could choose to use for your magazine and that choosing the correct one is key to making your magazine stand out and be succesful in the industry. For this, I have played about with some colour schemes and adjusted my text/logo as Ive gone along.


In the end I think I have decided to go with the font at the very bottom of the page. I believe that the white on the blue background is very effective.

Double Page Spread Sketch

I created this sketch in Photoshop as it allowed me to make sure that my margins were accurate for the articles and the images. This should help me to visualise my final product.


Contents Sketch

Here is my Contents page sketch that I have annotated. This helps me to include all the elements I want to include and see what my final product would look like with out spending too much time on it.


Magazine Ideas Brainstorm

After doing my magazine research, I started to take a look at planning my magazine and I decided the best way to record all of the ideas that I had was to put them into a brainstorm. A brainstorm allows me to see all of my ideas at once and can see how they all interact with each other and how certain things will work well together and how others won’t. A lot of the ideas on this are based off my magazine research, but there are things such as typefaces that I have explored on-line forums and other websites in an attempt to find some unique and quality fonts.


Here is a flowchart that I created to help me keep on track with my work and make sure that I was doing everything that I needed to do. I used this flowchart to compliment the checklist.


Magazine Specification

After doing research into different indie/pop magazines, I decided it would be a good idea to write a list of everything that I wanted to include in my final magazine. I will refer back to this list when I have completed my magazine to make sure that my research is reflected in my magazine.

Front Cover:
Unique Eye-catching Masthead
Badge/sticker with special information/reviews/free products
Text placed around the outside of the magazine to keep main attention on the front cover’s main image

Contents Page:
Masthead at the top of the page
Social Networking inter-action
Page number(s)
Well-laid out to draw attention primarily to the images
Competition section
Reviews section

Double Page Spread:
Page numbers
Columned text
Unique style of displaying imagery
Readable font(s) and good colour contrasts

Understanding of the Institution & Target Audiences

While I was doing my research on target audiences, I found a youtube video which is very helpful in showing the Institution and Target Audiences.