Category Archives: Main Print Task Research

Conventions of Pop

I did some research into the conventions of the Pop Genre and have displayed my work in the form of a prezi presentation.

Please click below to view it:

Double Page Spread Annotations

Here are the three double page spread annotations I have done from NME, Q and Kerrang magazines. Annotating these helped me to see what the ‘regular’ features of a music magazine of that genre is and to be able to pinpoint what on the page makes it a success.


Kerrang Doublepage annotation

Q Doublepage annotation

NME Doublepage annotation

Contents Page Annotation

Here are the three contents page annotations for my chosen music genre. These will help to research and find out what common styles exist in the current magazines for pop. I can also use these to influence my final design.

Q Contents annotation

NME Contents annotation

Kerrang Contents annotation

Front Page Annotation

Here are the front cover annotations I have done as part of my market research. These will help to see the key conventions of my chosen genre and to help influence my design of my own front cover magazine.

Q Cover annotation

NME Cover annotation

Kerrang Cover annotation

Demographic Details

I decided to explore using more media formats to display my work on my blog. An interesting website was Voki, which allows you to use text to speech software to have an avatar speak to you.

This avatar will “talk” to you about my chosen demographic to target my magazine at.

Survey Results

After doing my survey, I have collected the results and put them all into charts. I chose to do a pie chart, as it allows me to compare percentage, and therefore the market share of each demographic. I will do a write-up of my chosen demographic shortly. This survey has allowed me to gain an understanding and insight into the minds of the type of people who buy music magazines and what they are interested in.


After thinking about the best way to gather research on my target market for my print task, I decided it would be best to have people answer a survey. The survey I created contains questions specific to helping me decide which genre of music magazine to create and the exact demographics I should be targeting.

After collecting my results, I will analyse the data and then form the best target audience for my magazine and then begin to do research into existing magazines of a similar genre that target similar audiences.